How to Help Kids Adjust to a Move
When planning a move, there are a lot of logistics and paperwork to keep track of, but are you reserving any time for planning your family’s transition? A big move can be daunting for you as an adult, but it can also be extremely difficult for your children. They are leaving behind everything they’ve known including their friends, school, teachers, and community. So, how do you help kids adjust to a move?
Get them involved
Involving them in the moving process gives you precious time to help talk through and cope with their feelings and expectations. Allow them to get involved with the packing, moving, and unpacking process. Let them pack away their toys so that they know there will be familiar possessions at their new home. When you arrive at the new house, let them help pick out their new room and begin decorating it. Giving them an anchor, like your relationship with them or their possessions, allows them to know that life isn’t as different as it may seem when moving.
Let them say goodbye
It’s important during big life changes to be ceremonious. That’s why we have big weddings, graduations, and in times of moving, going away parties. These help us mark time and allow us to move on and adjust more smoothly. Give them time to say goodbye to friends, family, community, and even their house. It may be emotional, but in the long run it will allow them to better embrace their new surroundings.
Prepare them for their new home
Another great way to help kids adjust to a move is, in the time leading up to the move, show your kids pictures of their new house and school. Doing this early will allow them to feel like they already know their new environment before they even arrive. Research fun activities around your neighborhood like parks, restaurants, or children’s stores to get them excited about their new life there.

Keep a routine
Keeping a routine before and after a move helps to create a feeling of control for a child. With so much change around them, it is good to help them feel like their day-to-day routine is something they can expect and rely on. If your kids are in sports or other extracurriculars, research places to allow them to continue those activities in their new environment. While it may be difficult to keep up with certain pickup times or family activities during your move, try to maintain them as much as possible.
How to help kids adjust to a move
Moving is a difficult time for everyone, but a great way to cope is to do it as a family. By being intentional and making time for each other, a move doesn’t have to be as scary. Don’t start off your new journey with stress on yourself and your kids. If you need more time to help your family transition to your new life, allow Top Dog Movers to take away some of that stress. With packing and moving services, Top Dog can help you give your family the time it deserves.